Coal Bed Methane
Course is designed to help attendees understand CBM production and assess CBM exploration and development opportunities. The purpose of this course is to provides delegates with practical insights and tools to efficiently identify, appraise, and develop this type of reservoirs
The course will review the origin and mechanisms of CBM production, discuss the various techniques used to analyze reservoir parameters and performance, and understand how these have been applied to numerous projects. Exercises in rock description, log correlation, and resource estimation will emphasize
key points. Participants will analyze case histories to determine the effectiveness of different appraisal and development strategies and why projects succeeded or failed.
The Overview of Technical Aspect of CBM Business
- Introdduction to Coal Bed Methane ( CBM )
- Development of CBM: National and International spectrum
- CBM as a Reservoir
- Method of Drilling and Production
- Design of Gas Transmission Pipeline
- Design of Crude, Oil, and Produced Water Transportation Pipeline
- HSE Aspect of CBM Explotations
- National development of CBM
- Economic Aspect and Project Calculation for CBM
The Contractual, Legal, and Financial Aspect of CBM Business
- Understanding the Mechanism of PSC and CBM Contract
- Introduction: Financial Influences and Non Financial Divisions
- CBM & Petroleum Business in Brief: Global Competitiveness
- Nature of the Oil and Gas Industry and Business Process
- CBM Operation in Brief
- General Petroleum Including CBM Accounting and Taxation
- The Philoshopy of PSC
- Cost Recovery
- CBM Contract, PSC, & Business Process
- PSC & CBM Contract: Procedure in Practice
- PSC & CBM Contract :Term & Application
- PSC & CBM Contract: Calculation
- PSC & CBM Contract: Financial Budgeting & Reporting
- Understanding the PSC Key Performance and sensitivity
Due Dilligence:
- Gas Content Analysis
- Gas content Quality Control
- Measuring and Changing Permeability
- Net Coal
- Gas Composition Changes
- Isotherm Consideration
- Reserve / Production Ratio
- Development Constraint Maps
Technical, Legal, and Managerial Staff who need an understanding of coal bed methane production and CBM Exploration and development opportunities
Ir.Eko Widi Pramudiohadi, M.T
CV Terlampir
- Meeting room
- Module / Handout
- Softcopy Materi
- Training Kit
- Souvenir
- Certificate
- Airport pickup service
- Presentation
- Discussion
- Case Study
- Evaluation
Waktu dan Tempat
17 – 19 Desember 2013
Pukul : 08.00 – 16.00 WIB
Tempat : Primasindo Consulting Center Yogyakarta
Public Training
Course Fee: Rp 7.000.000,-/ participant Nett Non Residential
Note: The course will be held if the minimum participant register at least 4 Person.
Informasi dan Pendaftaran
Jl. Raya Sonosewu No. 26 Yogyakarta
Phone : 0274 – 7197506
Fax : (0274) 4531082
Contact Person : AYU (081393910338 / 087838586018)
Email :
Website :
PIN BB : 313602E5